Common Defects in High Pressure Die Casting and How Die Casters Tackle Them

Die casters integrate tool and maintenance unit in the foundry to tackle the commonly occurred defects in the production of components and to achieve improved productivity with minimal lead time. The common defects in die casting which can be tackled by foundries are as follows. While some can be overcome by employing die cast simulation software in each stage, other kinds of defects are often linked to equipment-related issues or maybe mold defects.

The Burrs

Material overflows from the die-casted shape edges may cause burrs to form. Typically, their formation occurs because of an uneven mold closure. However, to solve this common casting defect, a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine aids to process the contact surfaces precisely. Oftentimes, in order to spot the crucial zones die casters do a trial run using a mold-trial press that uses a blue dye. All thanks to that, identifying the mold’s precise contact point is easy and so is proceeding with needful tweaks like putting or removing material using a laser welding.

Surface Erosion

This defect refers to the erosion of steel particles from an impression surface, which is caused by increase in speed and excess turbulence flow in the injection molding stage. The mold maintenance unit of the foundry typically resolves this defect by using the dowels on where they may occur or by welding the zone. Since the molds can be resolved quickly, the resolution method of surface erosion aids the die casters to keep up with the pace of component production.


Gripping is caused by a halt of multiple solid surfaces, which scrap one another, in turn, making friction in between both pieces. Usually, higher temperatures, wrong pressure tolerance in the passing holes, or even lack of lubricant of the mold in manufacturing may cause this defect. Generally, they are concerned with the extractions and more so, the moving portions of the mold. In order to tackle gripping, the die casters use materials having higher pressure tolerances than the sliding rails.

Broken Plugs

Plugs are small cylindrical shapes used to make small cavities in castings. They are basic mold components and due to their size, can be subject to strains like overheating, traction, compression, or any other anomalies in the mold that may damage the integrity of the casting. Avoiding broken plugs can be done in the mold design phase and they are often dealt with in preliminary stages to improve the manufacturing capability of the plant and get lead times by the die casters.